Nonprofit Development 101


This course is designed to ensure that your business, ministry, or church is setup properly with the correct filings and licenses. We will cover everything you need to run a successful business. 
Nonprofit Development 101

You'll get

  • Step-by-step training on the development of your business, ministry, or church from A to Z (newbie or established)
  • You will complete feasibility study, competitive analysis, and business assessment
  • Develop next level strategies & systems to do business
  • CEO Mindset & Business Mapping
  • 3-Three Hour Sessions (1:1)
Data confidentiality is guaranteed
100% of your card data protection

Nonprofit Development 101

During this introductory training, you will learn the fundamentals of starting a business and how your vision is used as the strength of it's foundation. During these sessions you will have specific components of the structure  of your business, ministry, or church laid out.

You'll get

  • Step-by-step training on the development of your business, ministry, or church from A to Z (newbie or established)
  • You will complete feasibility study, competitive analysis, and business assessment
  • Develop next level strategies & systems to do business
  • CEO Mindset & Business Mapping
  • 3-Three Hour Sessions (1:1)
Data confidentiality is guaranteed
100% of your card data protection
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